Right now Im in the middle of the Woods. We have been here for nine hrs and we have 3 more to go, one more til dark. Its 6:15pm. My feet are tired and my back is killing me. We have found 6 check points total. # more to go! Its crazy! I couldnt have seen myself doing this 6 mos ago. We have walked over 10 miles. Infantry land nav. is the hardest. However, it is beautiful out here! Wish I could take a picture. So far we have seen 2 Rattlesnakes, a ton of Boar Hogs and some Deer. Also I no longer have a fear of Spiders, Ive ran into, too many to count..lol!! We are taking a water break, and are about to start our night phase. Love you..Finish writing later.
Well Its midnight now. We got back to the Bay a few minutes ago. My feet have tons of blisters. We've been out there so long, I dont really feel the pain! Ill pay for it in the morning! We found 1 out of 2 during the night time course, with absolutely no light!! Just a compass and a map. We wandered 3 miles intot he Georgia forest. By we I mean Me, Gearge, Garcia and Geary. My Clique..lol. It has been an awesome day. Im beat and tired! I wish I could have one day, where Im not so worn out! Just know that if you have been following this journal, You mean the world to me. Still No Mail!! No one in our Platoon has yet! Time for me, My friend Icy Hot, and My friend Pillow to get together..
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