Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday Oct. 22nd

We Had upper body today for PT. We only have about ten mins. that we marched to the Gym to do our Combatives. We have our end of Phase test tomorrow. Im a little nervous, but I should do fine. We are about to Bounce. I'll finish writing later.
 Well its 7PM now. We went and finished our testing for Combatives. I am now a level 1 Combative. I successfully completed beginning Jiu Jitsu, Boxing, Judo and self defense. I learned how to stop an attacker and kill someone with my bare hands. Pretty cool stuff! We test out of Red Phase tomorrow and go to an Oktoberfest. That sounds awesome! I found 3 other guys from Hawaii. We all sat around and talked story and about how much we miss the Island! I really do miss Hawaii and am seriously thinking about coming back. So Micah and Jake, think about it and cross your fingers! We have a PT test Monday. Gonna rest tomorrow and Sunday. Hopefully we get mail today. Geary wont stop farting! Its horrible! Me and Garcia are dying! He ate too many MRE'S...LOL...Well Ive gotta do some cleaning and get ready for bed soon. I'll close for now..See you soon. 36 DAYS TIL GRAD!!

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