Friday, October 22, 2010


We just completed the day Land Nav. Course. We got 7 out of 7 in 4 hrs. This course was a lot bigger and saw some scary Spiders today! Surprisingly though, NO SNAKES! It was peaceful out there. Today was a beautiful day and we took a break and got to sit and think for the first time in 2 wks. I dont know if thinking was a good thing or a bad just walked up and asked if I blogged about today yet..haha1 They call me The Writer, cause Im always writing in this little Notebook I keep in my Blouse. Anyway today hasnt been too eventful. Just wandering throught the Mountains again. Cant wait til tomorrow. Gonna sleepin til seven and then write all day. Still expecting a letter. Hopefully I get it soon. We have another course in a few hrs. I'll update later. Love you guys!
5:00PMHaha..DS Rhodes just walked up and made me do 50 Push-Ups, cause Mom wrote him on Facebook, asking about Me. Everytime a Family member wants pictures, I do 50 Push-Ups! He took a picture of me doing Push-Ups and I had to you guys want pictures, consider the Push-ups I have to do..LOL..It was funny, made Me smile!! Gonna take a Cat Nap and eat Chow!

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